The common mistakes in SEO 2023
How to avoid the common mistakes in website promotion? What not to do?
Hi, I’m fayzak, I’ve been involved in website promotion in the Google search engine for 14 years, and I have experience
Rich in the field. Over time I gained a lot of knowledge and today I decided to write to you about
The common mistakes of web promoters.
What are the mistakes?
How to avoid the mistakes?
And what changed in 2023?
Seo in google (
Every website promoter understands the importance of keywords in order to promote website content,
There are many ways to find suitable words or phrases to promote. and a variety of tools and websites that will help in choosing the relevant expressions.
First mistake is promoting without phrase or keyword research
When I want to promote a page on the website, first of all I do research on the phrases (keywords). Initial research allows me to get information about the competition for the word to promote and the amount of searches for the word. After receiving the first data I can decide which expressions I will choose to promote on the site. The content that I decide to write on the site should support the choice of phrases.
I like to use Google’s phrase research tool (Adwords). Of course, there are many other free or paid tools. After opening a Google account you can use the tool. AdWords allows initial research of phrases also by URL. What does it mean when I want to check a competing site for which phrases it has chosen to promote? I can add the URL and get the words in which the site is promoted. Guide on using the tool soon.
A mistake of many site promoters
The common mistake is excessive use of the chosen phrase. The number of times it is allowed to repeat the promoted phrase on the page. If for example: I wrote an article of 100 words the percentage that I can use the phrase is 1.9% that means almost twice. If I used the promoted phrase for example: (signs for businesses) I exaggerated three times on Google’s radar. Please note that the number of times it is allowed to repeat the phrase changes and is updated by Google.
Ok, I’ll explain what I mean by the phrase “I’m on the radar” – I don’t perform actions that betray the website promotion process. I don’t reach the end but stop two or three seconds before. Yes, I can use close or alternative phrases in the content of the website and take advantage of the use of additional phrases.
Using titles excessively or incorrectly is a common mistake
During my years I received websites for the purpose of promotion and in many cases I noticed that the content of the website did not use titles. There is no hierarchy on the page and the content is unclear. Very important headings help to understand what is important and what is less. In many cases where there were titles they did not support the text. The headings were vague and not correct for paragraphs. Writing titles correctly explains to the surfer what he is going to read. It is very important to treat the reader beyond the screen and not write only to the search engine. The best way is to write in the form of a conversation.
Incorrect choice of phrases
This mistake is repeated many times and is due to the need of website promoters to get a lot of traffic to the website. What am I talking about? Incorrect choice of phrases, when building a new site without seniority, without links, without specifying the domain. A site has no power to advance in competitive phrases, therefore it is important to choose phrases that have a chance to appear in the search results. Why?
In Google there are many criteria for a website to appear high in the search results:
Number of visitors to the site.
Time that was on the page.
Abandonment of the surfers on the page.
Next to action.
These are only a small part of the parameters that affect the position of the page in the search results, therefore those who choose words for promotion should understand at the beginning of the process which phrases can be promoted and bring traffic to the site that will lead to the time it had and bring it to action. If we focus on the right phrases, we can later raise the bar and promote competitive phrases with high traffic. If in advance we try to focus on competitive expressions, there is no chance that the page will appear in the search results in high places, therefore there will be no exposure that will lead to the entry of visitors who will stay on the page and perform an action.
The common SEO mistakes to watch out for in 2023
So here it is very important to pay attention according to Google’s guidelines: many promotion companies and website promoters choose phrases that are not related to the website’s content in order to bring a large number of visitors to the website. If my website deals with organic website promotion or sponsored promotion and I suddenly noticed that the phrase “tahina cookies” has a huge amount of searches and I can publish a post or a recipe on the website that will bring me more visitors. Am I actually misleading the surfers why? A surfer looking for a recipe for tahini cookies will prefer to enter a website that deals with food, cakes, recipes and not a website for website promotion. Imagine that you are a store that sells products, let’s say a bicycle store, and suddenly in the middle of the store there is a counter of hair extensions for women, what’s the connection?
This is where Google comes into the picture. In 2023, the directive came out. Content that is not related to the site and published for the purpose of bringing additional traffic of surfers will result in a penalty for the page. Penalty that can lead to domain penalty. Google decided to fight the companies and website promoters who recognized the potential of bringing surfers from outside the field.
How can you still use strong expressions and not be punished?
It is important to find the connection in the phrase we chose to locate. If we know how to write about the topic we have chosen in a way that is still suitable for site surfers, we can “walk between the drops”. If I want to write about tahini cookies, I will do so in a way that is still related to website promotion processes. For example: I can tell about the Iditosh recipes site that I promote and about a specific recipe that deals with tahini cookies that brought a huge amount of surfers to the site. I will be careful about misleading the surfers and try to be as clear as possible that my website is still about SEO and not about recipes.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it is not necessary to write long contents of 2000 or 3000 words. It is more correct to write content that surfers are looking for and need. Content that they will return to again and use. Try to understand when we watch YouTube videos or read the same book again when we need guidance. Try to write the contents with useful information with help to the surfer. Write interesting content and not casual text, maintain correct punctuation and correct spelling errors. Try to formulate in a clear way for each person it is not always correct to use high language.
If you want to get more information or promote your website, you can contact me.
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